The key to any good strategy is to have a solid understanding of the causes of a problem. Once you have a solid understanding of the sources, you can then work to find solutions and determine the best route to attack it.
This approach shouldn’t just be left for tackling business. This can be applied to any situation, including your stress level and those around you.
In a perfect world, employers should provide a stress-free work environment, recognize where stress is becoming a problem for staff, and take action to reduce stress. However, this isn’t always possible, even with the best employers. Stress is inevitable, but how you deal with it and manage it is key.
It has been found that stress in the workplace reduces productivity and makes people ill in many ways. Workplace stress affects the performance of the brain, including memory, concentration and learning. Stress and stress management are directly related to both your workplace and personal well-being.
Before implementing any strategy to cope with stress, it is imperative to understand your stressors. Where are they coming from, work or personal? They could also be a combination of, and range from work, financial, medical, emotional, marital, or social sources. Even watching TV for events like a typhoon on the other side of the planet can cause stress and anxiety in your daily life without you even knowing it.
Tips For De-Stressing Yourself:
1. Take A Break From Your Electronics
Turn off your cell phone, laptop, iPad and any other device that you are tied to. You don’t need to be constantly checking your device and be connected 24/7. Same thing about TV if you tend to always watch stressful news and programs.
2. Change The Scenery
Take a break. Get out of the office. Take a walk. Enjoy the fresh air. Eat your lunch under a tree instead of at your desk next to the piles of work you have yet to complete that is vying for your attention. Other activities could include listening to music, reading, taking a smooth drive in the country side, or a therapeutic massage.
3. Make A Stress Journal
Keeping a journal and jotting down your thoughts and feelings can be a release. Many find that once ideas are down on paper and out of your head, there is a release of tension and a freeing of the mind. Or, use the journal to jot down tips and reminders on how to de-stress. It can be a great resource to refer to and to track what caused your stress, how you felt, what you did to deal with it and what made you feel better.
4. Plan & Prioritize Your Day
When you have a documented plan either on paper or mentally in your head, you have a better chance of feeling in control and less stressed. On your way to work, think about the top 3 items that you need to tackle and how when you get in the office. Or, better yet, spend the last 10 minutes in the office the night before, making a to-do list for the following day. This will not only free your mind, but allow you to manage your time wisely.
5. Exercise
Physical exercise not only is a healthy choice, but it also helps relieve stress, tension and clears your mind. Take a walk at lunch to break up your day, or find time to fit it in the mornings or after work. It doesn’t have to be a serious 2 hour workout, just keep it simple and relaxing. Stretching is a great way to easily incorporate into your day. Take a few moments to roll your head and shoulders, stretch your neck muscles
6. Sleep
Getting a good night rest not only makes you feel better and less tired, but it helps your body rejuvenate and deal with stress and combat the negative aspects that stress can cause allowing you to be better equipped to tackle another day . Try to eliminate other distractions in your bedroom, like TV and other electronic devices. They can impede upon your sleep cycle and keep you from shutting your mind and body down. Teach your body that when you enter bed, it is time to sleep.
Stress Management: Tips for De-stressing
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