Article marketing is an online marketing strategy that gives you an edge on your competitors. Online marketing is about creating and implementing innovative strategies and tactics to differentiate your business from your competition. Two such marketing strategies are positioning and relationship building and this is where article marketing can help.
In a nutshell, article marketing consists of written content about your business that you supply to article directories and internet marketing eZine owners who then publish that content on their websites for free.
Your article provides the directories and eZines with quality content and,in turn, creates a link back to your website. Due to the authority of the directories with the search engines, it also helps your search engine rankings when people are looking for something online that is relevant to your the content of your article.
The Reason For Using Article Marketing.
The positioning and relationship building for your online business is enhanced by article marketing because we live in an age where information is king. When you share your knowledge, you will draw your prospects towards you.
6 Reasons Why Article Marketing Can Give Your Online Business A Boost.
1. People want to deal with and buy from the best. Your articles help you to position yourself as an authority in your industry.
2. If your articles contain valuable content and are distributed properly, they can spread across the internet very quickly, ultimately driving business your way.
3. The search engines like to send users to valuable content contained in articles. Well written, keyword rich articles will help to improve your search engine rankings.
4.People can make better decisions when they are well informed. Your articles can serve as the source for the information that they are searching for. When you are seen as an authority within your industry, people will be more likely to buy from you.
5. Your articles can be modified in a variety of different ways. They can be used as subject material for your newsletter; given away free to prospects or clients; used to start a dialogue in a blog or forum or put together as an eBook that can be sold or given away in return for a prospect’s email address.
6. Studies have shown that when you are using the internet for marketing, a prospective customer needs to see your message approximately 7 times before buying. Article marketing, when distributed correctly, is a great way to continually boost your prospect’s perception of you as someone who consistently adds value.
There is probably a good chance that your competitors are not using article marketing because it takes time, expertise and effort to write and use article marketing effectively. But those businesses that want to position their authority online will use article marketing as a vital part of their marketing strategy.
How Article Marketing Can Boost Your Online Business
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