When you are starting your own online business, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), is one of the most important concepts of your internet business. Your website’s SEO is the way that search engines scan your website’s content to produce results for people who are searching for information on the internet. And, for any online business start-up, you need the search engines to drive website traffic to your website.
There are two main types of search engine optimization when you are starting up an online business.
1. On Page SEO is like an online business startup checklist for your website. It is about your content, internal website links, navigation, page structure, keyword density and any images, video or audio on the pages of your website.
2. The second is Off page SEO. This is also known as link building and is process of developing links back to your website from other websites. This is achieved by strategies including article marketing, social bookmarking, links from social media and video marketing.
In this article we will look at On Page SEO because when you are starting your own online business it concerns everything that is actually on your website. Even if a search engine does find your website page, if there is nothing relevant on the page in relation to the search it will not rank your website in its listings.
The first step of starting online business SEO is to create your keywords. These are the words that somebody will type into a search engine when looking for a product or service connected to your business. You need to take time and consideration when creating your keywords because without them your website will not be found by the search engines.
Ideally, you should look to have approximately 500 words per page on your website with between 4 to 8 keywords within the text. The amount of keywords on the page is called keyword density. Remember to write your content so that it can be easily read by people, not just by search engines. If you just load a page full of keywords about your internet startup ideas, your website may be marked as spam and not get ranked at all.
Specific keyword phrases will rank better than just single or generic keywords. There is a lot of competition on the search engines for general keyword terms. If your keyword phrases are too generic there will be less likely to rank well in the search engine results. There are several free online tools to help you choose your keywords. These include Wordtracker, SEO Book Keyword Tool and Keyword Eye.
Be Creative With Your Website.
When you are starting an online business, you have to be creative with your website. This will help your search engine rankings. For example, use different content material on each page and include graphics to make it more attractive to your visitors. Each image should have a keyword linked to it, called an ALT tag. This is because search engines are unable to read graphics so they use ALT tags to interpret what an image is representing.
Keep your paragraphs short, use bullet points and sub headings and make your content easy to read. If you are starting your own online business you will probably have lots of new content to add to your website in the early days. But you must continue to keep your website updated regularly. Search engines will not provide results that are based on content that is out of date. Also, make sure that you do not have any broken links.
Taking care of your keywords, graphics and content are all important factors for good search engine optimization. Making your website more SEO and user-friendly will help to attract more visitors to your online business.
Search Engine Optimization Tips For Starting An Online Business
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