Marketing and advertising are not the same thing. As described above, advertising is an aspect of marketing regardless of whether you are starting an online business or managing an established one. Marketing is more active process whereas advertising is more passive. When you place an advertisement it sits there and does its job, hopefully with good results. Marketing is about finding the people to see those advertisements and everything else that you do to promote your business.
1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
Search engine optimization or SEO is an important online marketing technique when setting up a web business. It is the process that search engines, such as Google, seek out keywords contained in your website content to provide search results. Keywords are the phrases and words that someone enters into a search engine when they are searching for something on the internet. SEO needs time to put in place and also has to be kept updated on a frequent basis. Search engines like new and relevant content material, and when you are setting up an internet business you will have plenty of new information that you can put to your website. Just don’t forget to keep putting fresh content onto your website on a regular basis.
2. Building a List of Customers.
The process of building an opt-in mailing list is a vital element of your marketing strategy when setting up an online business. This means getting people to provide you with their email address so that you can market to them when ever you want. In exchange for an email address you need to give something of value. This includes things like like special offers, exclusive information, free reports or free online videos.
People need to see your message anything between 7 to 12 times before they will take action. Effective email marketing is very important when setting up an online business simply because it enables you to develop a relationship with the individuals on your list. Every message you send should have value. Irrespective of whether you are delivering information or selling one of your products or services, it has to be of benefit to the person reading it. his way they recognize the value that you are sending to them and be more inclined to purchase from you.
A well designed website allows you to compete on an even playing field as your website visitors do not know if they’re dealing with a multi-national company or a one-person operation. When you’re setting up an online business, your website does not have to be all flashy and high tech. As long as you clearly show the benefits of your products and services and the website is easy to use you are off to good start. Keep your website navigation simple and make sure that it can be viewed correctly in the popular internet browsers like Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari and Firefox.
A Marketing Strategy For Setting Up An Online Business.
A Marketing Strategy For Setting Up An Online Business.
A Marketing Strategy For Setting Up An Online Business.
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