Many people are out looking for work these days. It's a tough economy to be sure, and nobody has any idea when it will end. The unemployment rate is officially at around eight percent.
If you are a recent graduate, or are new to the job market, then you need to develop your job interview skills. These are skills that generally aren't taught anywhere, but they are necessary nonetheless. Besides knowing what to say, and how to present yourself, you need to avoid giving off certain red flags. You could look great on paper, but if you make some of the common mistakes, you'll be disqualified before the interview is over.
Not dressing professionally is likely the most common error. When you don't dress for success, you send a message that you aren't concerned too much about your appearance. If you don't care about that, then how are you going to take care of your job? What if there are little mistakes you let slide by? This can cost a company a lot of money.
Another mistake is to seem bored or uninspired during the interview. If you walk in there thinking you won't get the job, and even if you do, you won't like it, then it will come across during the interview. If you don't seem enthusiastic about yourself or the company, you won't impress anybody.
Asking questions about pay, vacations, and benefits is also a mistake. This makes it seem like you are only concerned what you are going to get out of the job, rather than what you can provide to the employer. Remember, you are looking for a mutually beneficial relationship, not one where you show up every day and collect a paycheck.
One more common mistake is not asking any questions about the company. This shows you haven't done any research, and aren't really interested in what the company does. Nobody wants to hire somebody that doesn't really care where they work. They want somebody who is curious about the company and its products, and how they can become involved.
Simply by avoiding these common mistakes, you'll surely stand out during an interview. While not doing these may not guarantee you the job, your chances will be much higher. Now get out there and go on some interviews.
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