When someone loses a job, there are a lot of challenges that lie in the future. There are many tools needed to win a new position, and one of the most paramount is an effectively written, attention-getting resume. It is hard to be a good resume writer. Lots of things resume instructors taught a decade ago are frowned on now, and vice versa. One should not shoot oneself in the foot by using an insufficient resume. There are several things a resume should NOT do: * Be boring, or a "carbon copy" of thousands of other resumes * Be negative * Highlight education and job experience without including accomplishments * Explain skills which are not needed for the role in question * Discuss the applicant's interests, hobbies, or personal life * List references, or say "references furnished upon request" * Be greater than two pages * Not be proofread Many resumes look exactly the same. They furnish the applicant's name, address, and phone number. Then, they ...
Self-Investment resources to start online businesses, information on local job fairs, self-employment opportunities, with career advancement tips and motivation.