As a job search coach and executive resume writer, I'm consistently astounded at the ways job seekers can stand in their own way of landing the perfect position. Nothing exemplifies this better than the LinkedIn photo. You might find putting your headshot on a public forum to be daunting. However, if you've resorted to using any available photo, disastrous results can follow. Don't blame it on the economy, your age, or lack of experience! Failing to display a professional image online can put a damper on your job-hunting success. If your LinkedIn photo shows any of the following, employers may refrain from reaching out to you - especially if your target job requires a professional demeanor: 1 - Your pet. However much you love your dog, cat, or tarantula, employers don't need to see their shining faces next to yours. Keep Fido, Fluffy, and Fearless out of your professional life, the same way you'd refrain from taking them to an intervie...
Self-Investment resources to start online businesses, information on local job fairs, self-employment opportunities, with career advancement tips and motivation.