Some people say you're supposed to work like you don't need the money. However, with prices for everything from gas to milk going up, that's not exactly practical advice. Instead, you need to make sure the work you do 40 hours a week (or more!) is something you like - or even love.
Yes, there's a reason why it's called "work" and not "play", but if you like the work you're doing, you'll feel more energized. Sure, you'll still long for lazy days at the beach instead of long days in front of your computer screen, but you'll long for them a lot less often. You'll find it's easier to get up in the morning and easier to fight off the temptations of Facebook and your Fantasy Football roster.
But how do you actually FIND something you like and TURN it into work?
1. Think about what you're good at.
The better you are at something, the more likely to excel at it. So, if you're great at striking up conversations with strangers, you might love being a salesman. Or, if you're great at coming up with new recipes, you might be a great food blogger.
2. Think about what you don't like about your current job.
You don't necessarily have to change professions to love your work. Instead, you may just need a change of pace! For example, if you hate having an overbearing boss standing over your shoulder all day, why not start a business in the same industry and become your own boss? Or, if you hate being cooped up in a salon all day, why not offer mobile massage services so you can be out and about?
3. Be open to new things.
As important as thinking is, sitting around and pondering your future may not get you anywhere. Instead, a job you really like may fall into your lap. So, don't throw away that course catalog from the local community college and don't give up on trying that new hobby you've heard people gushing about. Who knows - they just might turn into a fun business opportunity!
4. Learn as much as you can.
It may be OK to "fly blind" on a new hobby and learn the ins and outs as you go, but work is different. For example, if you have a passion for the stock market - and want to turn trading into a full-time job - don't just trade a few stocks on the side and hope you strike it big. Instead, learn all about the current market trends, the big historical data, and what makes for a safe amount of risk.
Bottom line - you'll still have to work hard, but you'll wind up enjoying the journey a whole lot more!
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