Many people are struggling these days. The economy has been in the pits for a long time, and unemployment is high. Most people who are employed aren't really making what they are worth. And many other people have simply stopped looking for work, and have started receiving benefits from the government. Once you get laid off from your job, it can be tough to get back on your feet. Especially if you don't see it coming. One day you think everything is fine, and then next thing you know you've got no job. But the truth is that by being proactive, you can take measure to keep this from happening. In this article, you'll learn just what to do.
The first thing to realize is that you've got to take a two prolonged approach. One is to do what you can now to help you find a job should the worst happen. There are several steps you can do. Another is to make every effort to not be the one who gets laid off. There are steps you can do for this as well. Most people simply show up every day, do their job, and then go home. You've got to take it one step further.
First of all, you should always be looking around at what's out there. Always keep an updated resume, and always be sending a couple out every week or so. This can be a great way to see what you're really worth, as well as make some valuable contacts.
Another thing to protect yourself is to increase your skills. Always be learning new things. This can help two ways. One is that it will keep you valuable on your current job. Another thing it will do is to make you more marketable. So you should do whatever it takes to keep your skills sharp. Take seminars, read books, take classes at night, whatever you can do.
Be proactive in your current job. Ask your boss how you can do your job better. Volunteer to do other things you aren't trained for. Let your boss know you can count on him or her when the time comes. Never turn down a request for extra work. When the time comes to lay people off, they lay off those that are least productive, and who contribute least to the bottom line. Make sure you are important and necessary to the company.
These steps will help you out quite a bit when it comes to protecting your source of income. Keep building your contacts and your skills, and you should do fine.
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